Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Perpetual Motion Kitty

The last two weeks of vacation have been an eventful two weeks, especially for a little kitty named Gabe. 

Gabe, the perpetual motion kitty who never sits still for long has been sack out for the past five (yes 5!) hours. The events leading up to this odd behavior was a little under two solid weeks playing with his three cousins. 

My Mom's house is not large but it is very long so not only did the kitties chase each other back and for the entire length of the house on the main floor they also had the same runway in the basement. 

So two weeks chasing and being chased and wrestling with three willing kitties and with very little time to rest as they were always watching their backs has added up to a sacked out kitty. 
Gabe sleeping between the back of the couch and the wall, I've poked him a few times just to make sure he is still breathing. Now if the blanket gives way... well that will be another post.  

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