Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kitty and the Scrooge

I'm feeling a bit Scrooge like right now. I got home from a great few days with the family, sat briefly on the couch and decided to attack the dust bunnies lurking in the living room. Well, I quickly discovered that the bunnies were not so much bunnies but monsters on par with the abominable snowman from Monster's Inc. (although not nearly as cute). 

As I was attacking the dust monsters with a vengeance, moving furniture, changing slip covers (no, they are not just for old people anymore), and finding just about every cat toy the kitties have under the couch when one on my furry companions would not leave me alone. I picked him up and tossed him (don't worry, no animals were harmed in the cleaning of the living room) and immediately he was right back on whatever I had tossed him off of. I repeated the process and so did he. By this time it was a game.

I moved on to another project, de-dust monstering under my desk. At the beginning of my project I piled everything on my desk to keep it off the floor. As I sat on the floor under said desk, the same furry football from earlier decided to scale the desk. First, the yoga mat landed on my head, then a few random cords and almost a full file box. 

So, how does all of this relate to be feeling a bit Scroogeish? Dude, seriously, if I can't keep one of my furry friends off what he is not suppose to be on, how in the world will a tree survive? 

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