Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things you pick up from the children

Tonight I sat down to enjoy a meal of left over mac and cheese with frozen peas that I was too impatient thaw out. As I was eating and honestly enjoying my meal it got me thinking what else have I picked up from the kiddos that I have worked with for almost 15 years (yep, you read that number right). 

So here are a few that are screaming to be listed. Do you have any to add?

  1. Eating frozen veggies frozen is actually very tasty
  2. "Potty" tends to override more adult terms
  3. "Puppy, kitty, horsey" tend to dominate animal vocabulary
  4. When one has to go potty, one has to go now 
  5. There's nothing better than asking "Why?" 70-75 times an hour (or minute)  
  6. Forget the furniture, the floor is so much better

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