Monday, May 24, 2010

First, a bit of background

Before we get to far into this journey together, you might be wondering why am I posting about this journey in the first place. First, it's a way for me to record the process. My journal and I are not friends right now so I'm all about alternatives. The hit counter says other people visit, and I've shared the link with many, but I don't think much about that when I'm writing. Secondly, it's all about sharing stories, taking away one more brick in the wall that separates us in the global sense. One of my favorite quotes says that "friendships are born out of the moment when one person says to another: 'what! you too? I thought I was the only one.'" Maybe, for someone, that will happen here. 

This insane, amazing, hard, crazy, beautiful, rocky, incredible healing journey started three years ago playing kick ball with some kids at camp. I rounded third base, tripped and came crashing down on my left shoulder. The first thought I had was "Okay Universe, I am listening." Little did I know then that the Universe took me seriously and opened more doors that I could imagine to teach, help, support, guide, and most of all to love me while I learned. 

98% of the time I could not be more grateful for this journey. The other 2% I get pissed and cry and yell and get really crabby, but I always, usually sooner (as opposed to later) return to gratitude. 

This year has been one of many endings and many more beginnings. Those of you who know me well know that I do not like to start things one at a time, I prefer to start things in multiples. This tendancy was especially evident in the last nine months. Instead of easing into my last year of graduate school I jumped in head first. Externally, I started life without anti-depressants, my clinical research paper, an internship, therapy, and a sacred feminine group. Internally, I kicked up the intensity and the pace on healing. 

So here begins the creation. 

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