Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Devil Kitty Incarnate part 2

Two words, accompanied by 2 photos:



Today I built the kitties something to satisfy their crazy need to climb. Well, to satisfy one kitty's crazy need. 

Last night I went to Ikea with a friend to find something to entertain the kitties with. I didn't want to do traditional cat furniture, because lets face it, it is big and ugly and 80s carpeted. 

Ikea yielded some good inspiration and a Lack shelf. When I got home last night I pulled out the pieces to figure out the best way to configure something that would entail lots of jumping and eventually (haven't worked this part out yet) actual climbing.

This morning I spent a an hour wandering Home Depot gathering the appropriate hardware (and frustrating employees, you know sometimes you just need to be in my head, then this whole conversation would make sense). 

After several hours, a repainted wall, a box of screws and a dismantled Ikea shelf we now have a kitty catwalk. 

Libby checking out the new digs:

Learning the ropes:

The view from below, or above depending on your species:


Unknown said...

Ryanne, that is brilliant! Your cats must love it! Now I'm scanning my wall space for kitty obstacle course potential...

RLUnderhill said...

Thanks! I have been looking at other rooms in my house to see if I can expand.

This could get addicting...

Maggie said...

quite amazing...really cool. I'm not going to let Libby and Gabe talk to Harry & Sammy because I don't want them getting any ideas! I thought they should be excited with a new tower made of 80s carpet - silly me!

Sara said...

I love it! I don't think my cat would go for that, though ... she isn't much of a climber and she appears to be afraid of heights or something. I think she needs therapy...

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