Monday, October 20, 2008

Love/Hate relationship

You know, gotta admit that I have a total love/hate relationship with email (and text messages for that matter). 

The concept is simple enough, you sit down at the keyboard with what you want to say swirling in your head and within minutes (or seconds if you learned to IM/text before you could walk) the words are there on the screen, you hit the send button and viola! instant communication. 

What is even better than the instant communication of email is the even more instant communication of text messaging. I mean, come on who doesn't have a cell phone! A few numbers punched and a send button hit and your message reaches the recipient no matter where they are. 

So with the wonders of this communication, what gripe could I possibly have? Basically it boils down the lack of both verbal and non-verbal cues. It is so easy to read between the lines or misconstrue what the sender is trying to say, then get all offended and vow to never speak to that person again. 

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating just a bit but seriously people, a little discretion in what topics one choses to address via these means could go a long way. 

1 comment:

Maggie said...

okay, so what was the misconstrued message - I'm dying to know! :)

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