Sunday, October 12, 2008

Once you go fresh you can't go back.

Well, I am back on my veggie kick. No new ones the big skillet of veggies I sautéed for the week a head but still some serious yumminess. 

Those of you who know me well, know that there can never been too much garlic or too much cayenne pepper in anything that I cook (although I do draw the line at my morning cup of oatmeal). On top of these two wonderful flavors I typically dump a bunch of chipotle pepper puree in as well. Well, I hope your sitting down, because tonight I branched out and used curry as the main flavor (there is still a 1/2 a bulb of garlic in it). 

Quick trip to the Wedge left me with a pepper, and a head of broccoli (and some fantastic Wedge curry chicken salad). Hm, I spent $50 and that was all that really sticks out in my memory (and a bag of chips and some food for the Aliveness Project). Wow, next time, maybe I should go with a list. 

Anyways, as Sundays are the days that I cook up a big batch of something for lunches all week,  I was already scheming what I could whip up with that and some shredded free range chicken on my ride home. So I'm washing, dicing, chopping and shredding all these nice fresh veggies, and to my dismay I forgot tomatoes! (in my defense, as a general rule I HATE tomatoes but they aren't bad cooked with lots of other stuff) 

(Let me preface the next part with this disclaimer: I have made a point for the last nine months to only eat fresh or frozen veggies from the co-op as they taste so much better. Some of you may think I am nuts and that a vegetable is a vegetable but no.)

To rectify this without having to go back to the Wedge, I dug deep into my cupboard and pried out a can of Roundy's brand tomatoes that was hidden behind all the organic co-op brands. I opened the can and dumped the contents into the pan and was so disappointed. There laying in my beautiful creation lay slimy red lumps. 

 Long story made only slightly shorter, canned veggies BAD, fresh or fresh frozen veggies GOOD. Lesson re-learned. 

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