Saturday, October 11, 2008


Another Saturday spent avoiding homework. Seriously (and I know that this comment is going to bit me in the ass sooner that later, given we are in Minnesota) where is the snowy icky cold weather? It is far less appealing to frolic outside when it is 50 below, unlike today when is was 74 and sunny. So not homework conducive. 

To enjoy this weather, I hung out on the patio at Common Roots cafe getting to know a new friend. After that, we took a walk to my favorite art store. I went home, bound and determined to get some homework done. I procrastinated for a few more hours and then decided to head to another art store and the grocery store on my bike. A few hours after that, I am procrastinating by updating you all on my procrastination. 

But it is starting to get dark, I've open up Word and dug out my syllabus, maybe I'll get a bit of work done. 

However, if you would like to help me procrastinate feel free to give me a call, or better yet, just come and kidnap me. 

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